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Only users accessing catalogs belonging to a Private Cloud need a paid license to access their families.
ApliCAD UpdateBIM Private Cloud is the platform that allows companies to generate their own catalogs of families and make them available to their employees and/or external collaborators.
When a company with Private Cloud invites a new user, 3 options can happen:
- The user is already registered and has an active paid license.
- In this case, the system will send the invitation email to the user indicating that he/she has access to the company’s public catalog.
- In this case, the inviting company does not pay any license fee for the user.
- The user is not registered in the system and therefore does not have a paid license.
- In this case, the inviting company must assume the cost of the license for that user.
- In this case, the system warns the administrator of the inviting company that he/she must assume the cost or cancel the invitation.
- The user is registered but does not have a paid license.
- All users who access ApliCAD UpdateBIM, do it easily and at no cost, only must have a paid license if they are going to use the Private Cloud.
- If you do not have a paid license, the system notifies the administrator of the inviting company, so that as in the previous point, you must decide whether to assume the cost of the license, or tell the user to register with a paid license and then invite him again.