UpdateBIM Pricing for Manufacturers

Prices are monthly and per public catalog.

Prices can be customized according to any of the following variables:

  • Long term contracts where you can opt for a discount depending on the contracted time, as well as if the payment method is in advance, or monthly.
  • If your company has different product lines and therefore needs to have more than one catalog, consult volume prices.

  • Standard
  • Publish up to 100 product references(*)
  • Public catalog for any UpdateBIM user
  • Basic statistics on the use of your products.
  • Use of the UpdateBIM API to integrate information, for example in the company’s ERP.
  • 295/month
  • Professional
  • Publish up to 500 product references(*)
  • Public catalog for any UpdateBIM user
  • Advanced statistics on the use of your products.
  • Use of the UpdateBIM API to integrate information, for example in the company’s ERP.
  • 495/month
  • Enterprise
  • Number of products Unlimited
  • Public catalog for any UpdateBIM user
  • Advanced statistics on the use of your products.
  • Use of the UpdateBIM API to integrate information, for example in the company’s ERP.
  • 795/month

(*) To calculate the references the number of types is used, for example, if we have a family of doors with 3 types, the number of references is 3.